Monday, October 12, 2009

BRUCE at Giants Stadium

SO last minute on Sept. 29, I decided I wanted to go see Bruce Springsteen for Night 1 of his five-night stand at Giants Stadium (which was the following night!). A very nice dentist sold me his pair of GAs for $50 a pop (a BARGAIN!) on the 30th in the morning, and myself and Joey were off an an early bus to claim our wristbands. Once we got to the Swamp, we were handed numbers 622 and 623 and we waited anxiously with the rest of dwellers for the magic number to be pulled.

To make a long story short, everyone who was handed a wristband was guaranteed entry into the Front Pit (thereby getting as close to Bruce as possible) and the number that was pulled was considered "number 1" - as in you were the FIRST fan to get into the Stadium. Lo and behold number 487 was called and myself and those around us were ELATED, as we were guaranteed front rail spots =)

Me at the rail in the Front Pit.

I left this spot once and didn't eat or drink for the rest of the night. It was a nightmare to navigate the Pit and people were getting NASTY. We did look out for one another though. There was enough G-Ds Herb floating around as well... the smell was everywhere!

The Front of the Pit Crew!

Everything seemed to work out that day... from getting a great deal on a hot show (Bruce played his classic album "Born to Run" mid-set) to meeting awesome people to getting a spot on the rail... hell at one point during the show Bruce grabbed my hand!! The pictures speak for themselves - a lot of the people I met up front were kind enough to share. It was yet again, a Rockin' Good Time.

Bruce and the E Street Band

Bruce and the E Street Band (again!)

Bruce by our side of the Pit!

Bruce up-close right before he grabbed my hand!

I'm wearing the fingerless black gloves in the video!


The Set List written by Bruce for night 1 (via Twitter)

The end of Jungleland....